Exchange Traded Product (ETP): Definition, Types, and Example

What Is an Exchange Traded Product (ETP)?

Exchange traded products (ETPs) are types of securities that track underlying securities, an index, or other financial instruments. ETPs trade on exchanges similar to stocks meaning their prices can fluctuate from day-to-day and intraday. However, the prices of ETPs are derived from the underlying investments that they track.

Key Takeaways

  • Exchange-traded products (ETP) are types of securities that track underlying security, index, or financial instrument.
  • ETPs trade on exchanges similar to stocks.
  • The price of ETPs fluctuates from day-to-day and intraday.
  • The share price of ETPs come from the underlying investments that they track.
  • ETPs are usually a low-cost alternative to mutual funds and actively-managed funds.

Types of Exchange Traded Products

Exchange traded products can be benchmarked to myriad investments, including commodities, currencies, stocks, and bonds. Since prices of ETPs can fluctuate, investors have the potential to earn gains but also have the risk of market losses. ETPs can contain a few or hundreds of underlying investments.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Similar to a mutual fund, an exchange traded fund contains a basket of investments that can include stocks and bonds. An ETF usually tracks an underlying index such as the S&P 500 but can follow an industry, sector, commodities, or even currency. An exchange-traded fund's price can rise and fall just like other investments. These products trade throughout the day just as a stock would trade.

The popularity surrounding ETFs stems from their low fees since they are passively managed. For example, a passively-managed ETF might track the S&P 500 index. Here, the ETF owns all 500 stocks contained in the index. Conversely, an actively-managed fund involves an investment manager buying and selling securities, which can lead to higher fees. Some ETFs share a combination of both passive and active attributes.

Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs)

Exchange traded notes (ETNs), like ETFs, also track an underlying index of securities and trade on major exchanges. However, ETNs are baskets of unsecured debt securities. The ETN pays investors the return received from the index they track at the maturity date, less any fees or commissions.

ETNs are similar to bonds in that investors receive the return of their original invested amount—the principal—at maturity. However, the ETN does not pay periodic interest payments. Also, investors who buy ETNs do not own any of the securities in the index they track. As a result, the likelihood that investors will be paid back the principal and the returns from the underlying index is dependent on the creditworthiness of the issuer.

Different tax treatments apply to the various types of ETPs. Investors should speak with a tax professional for any potential tax ramifications from investing in ETPs.

Exchange-Traded Commodities (ETCs)

Exchange-traded commodities (ETCs) are financial instruments designed to offer investors exposure to commodity prices. These instruments can be structured as either ETFs or ETNs. ETCs are traded on stock exchanges, allowing investors to easily access and trade them just like they were individual stocks.

The underlying assets of ETCs typically include a range of commodities such as precious metals, agricultural products, energy resources, or a combination thereof. ETCs let investors buy and sell commodities without having hold or own any of the actual underlying commodities. This means investors can capitalize on specific commodities, commodity indices, or commodity futures contracts without ever having to store or hold a tangible commodity.

Exchange-Traded Managed Funds (ETMFs)

Exchange-traded managed funds (ETMFs) are a hybrid investment vehicle that merges characteristics of traditional actively managed mutual funds with the trading flexibility associated with ETFs. Unlike traditional mutual funds which are bought and sold at the end of the trading day at the net asset value (NAV) price, ETMFs trade on an exchange throughout the trading day like ETFs. This feature offers greater flexibility and the ability to execute trades at market prices during market hours.

Another distinguishing feature of ETMFs is their active management. Unlike passively managed ETFs that try to mimic the performance of an underlying index, ETMFs are actively managed investment funds. This means that skilled fund managers make investment decisions and try to outperform their benchmark.

A review during the COVID-19 pandemic by the Securities and Exchange Commission found there were 2,370 ETPs that held $4.3 trillion in June 2020.

Exchange Traded Products vs. Mutual Funds

Exchange traded products were developed to create investments that had more flexibility than mutual funds. Mutual funds are funds comprised of a basket of securities funded by a collection of investors and managed by professional money managers.

Mutual funds are typically priced just once at the end of the trading day. ETPs trade like stocks and can be bought and sold throughout the day and have prices that move throughout the day. For example, an investor can place an order with ETFs to buy or sell at a specific price with a broker. Investors can buy the ETF in the morning and sell it by the end of the day, whereas mutual funds do not have that flexibility. ETPs often carry lower expense ratios than their mutual fund counterparts.

ETPs also require a brokerage account to trade, so buying and selling ETP shares could result in a brokerage commission if it isn't one of the ETFs that the brokerage allows to be traded freely. Most highly liquid ETPs can be traded without a commission charge in all the major discount brokers. Additionally, differences in the bid and ask—buy and sell—price could add to the cost of trading ETPs. Some no-load or no-fee mutual funds, on the other hand, can be bought and sold without any trading commission, and they do not require a brokerage account.

  • ETPs offer investors access to many securities and indices.

  • ETPs are usually a low-cost alternative to mutual funds and actively-managed funds.

  • Many ETPs, particularly ETFs, are gaining in popularity, providing additional liquidity.

  • ETPs have the risk of market losses since their prices fluctuate.

  • Some ETPs behave like debt instruments such as ETNs.

  • ETPs are popular products but have varying trading volumes, which can affect liquidity.

Growth of Exchange Traded Products

Since the debut of the first ETF in 1993, these funds and other ETPs have grown significantly in size and popularity. At the end of November 2023,  global ETFs had almost $11 trillion in total assets under management (AUM). The low-cost structure of ETPs has contributed to their popularity, which has attracted assets away from higher-cost actively managed funds.

Real-World Example of an Exchange Traded Product

The largest ETF in the marketplace is the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY), with assets of more than US$400 billion as of December 2023. The ETF owns shares of all 500 stocks in the S&P including some of the most well-established companies in the world such as:

  • Apple Inc.
  • Microsoft Corp.
  • Inc.
  • NVIDIA Corp.
  • Alphabet Inc.
  • Meta Platforms Inc. (formerly Facebook)

Let's say an investor invested $10,000 in the SPY on January 1, 2017, for $227.21 and sold the ETF on October 14, 2023, for $433.69; the investor would have a gain of 90% minus any broker fees.

How Do Exchange-Traded Products (ETPs) Differ From Traditional Investment Options?

ETPs differ from traditional investment options, such as mutual funds, in their structure and tradability. ETPs are traded on stock exchanges throughout the trading day at market prices, providing intraday liquidity and flexibility. Traditional options often involve buying or selling at the end of the trading day at the NAV price. Additionally, ETPs can track various indices, commodities, or currencies, allowing for more targeted investment strategies.

Are ETPs Traded on Stock Exchanges?

Yes, ETPs are traded on stock exchanges. This means that investors can buy and sell ETP shares throughout the trading day at market prices. The stock exchange environment enhances liquidity and provides real-time pricing information for ETPs.

How Do Leveraged and Inverse ETPs Work?

Leveraged ETPs seek to magnify the returns of an underlying index or asset class using financial derivatives and debt. Inverse ETPs, on the other hand, aim to provide the opposite (inverse) performance of the underlying index. These ETPs are designed for sophisticated investors seeking to capitalize on short-term market movements, often in contrast with how the ETF is naturally moving.

What Are the Risks Associated With Investing in ETPs?

Investing in ETPs carries various risks, including market risk, liquidity risk, tracking error, and specific risks associated with the underlying assets. Market conditions, geopolitical events, and changes in interest rates can impact the performance of ETPs. In many ways, an ETP can be considered similarly as a stock; think of all the ways a business can face risk, and an ETP is susceptible to similar risks.

The Bottom Line

Exchange-traded products are financial instruments traded on stock exchanges that provide investors with exposure to diverse asset classes such as stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies. ETPs can take the form of ETFs, ETNs, ETCs, or other vehicles that represent structured investment products.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. “Exchange-Traded Funds and Products.”

  2. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. “Exchange-Traded Notes—Avoid Unpleasant Surprises.”

  3. The Royal Mint. “Physical Gold Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs).”

  4. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. “Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) – a Guide for Investors.”

  5. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. “Risk Control Assessment Glossary*,” Page 5.

  6. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. "Preliminary Recommendations of ETP Panel Regarding COVID-19 Volatility: Exchange-Traded Products," Page 2.

  7. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. “Exchange-Traded Funds and Products.”

  8. State Street Global Advisors SPDR. “SPY: The Original S&P 500 ETF.”

  9. ETFGI. "ETFGI Reports Assets Invested in Global ETFs Industry Reached a New Milestone of US$10.99 Trillion at the End of November."

  10. State Street Global Advisors. "SPDR® S&P 500® ETF Trust."

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